Wednesday 30 April 2014

Three Legged Man

Three stories from Chris Reynolds. From Mauretania Comics, "The Beginning of Empires"; from Moon Queen and The Bee, "Potatoes! Potatoes! Potatoes!"; and from the Cinema Detectives, "Battle Ground".

Monday 14 April 2014

Coming soon... "The Third Woman"
The first woman was Kathy Baier, who began to hear strange music from the old cinema next door.
The second was Professor Grisl, administrator of a midlands university who had things to protect.
Then the third woman was Stephanie, who tried to take Rosa's place in the Cinema Detectives.
"The Third Woman" contains three Cinema Detectives stories
Cinema Detectives: The Night Whisperer
Cinema Detectives: The End of Dark Matter
Cinema Detectives: Unrivalled